🌸🌸🌸 Update:BB ASNAF Baby of Noor & Roshid Assalaamualaikum wrbtBismillah Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah the Most Generous. 1️⃣ We are happy to share with you that Baby of Noor & Amanullah, (whom will be named Ahmad Nasrullah) has been discharged from the hospital. All bills has been settled. 2️⃣ As for Roshid, we are now able to make arrangements to pay his house rental for a few months and start clearing his debt InshaAllah. Roshid is now able to resume his physiotheraphy using a prosthetic leg. Donations for these two families are still open. The plan is to also assist them with some groceries for a few months InshaAllah. ♥️Jazakumullahu khayraMay Allah reward and grant abundant ease here and hereafter to everyone for their contributions and assistance. Ameen.